Yolanda Spinola
from Spain
Interview:10 questions
1. When did you start making music, what is/was your motivation to do it?
When I was taking classes related to interactive arts three years ago. I had very good music teachers who opened me to this way of communication. That´s my motivation to continuing discovering things about sound.
2. Tell me something about your living environment and the musical education.
I don´t know much about music groups of the moment. I learned to play guitar and dance traditional dance of the region where I was born when I was child.
3. Is making music your profession? What is the context in which you practice music nowadays?
I only create sound art and participate in festivals related to that.
4. How do you compose or create music or sound? Have you certain principles, use certain styles etc?
First of all, I think the thing I´d like to transmit to other with sound.
5. Tell me something about the instruments, technical equipment or tools you use?
I usually use free tools to create sound. I use micros, grabbers and a computer.
6. What are the chances of New Media for the music production in general
and you personally?
I thing the best is the possibility to chare knowledge with others with similar creative interests.
7. How about producing and financing your musical productions?
I feel free creating sound art without so much self-financing cost.
8. Do you work individually as a musician/soundartist or in a group or collaborative?
If you have experience in both, what is the difference, what do you prefer?
I usually work individually except when I use the web to share questions related to sound.
9. Is there any group, composer, style or movement which has a lasting influence on making music?
Dada. John Cage.
10. What are your future plans or dreams as a soundartist or musician?
I haven´t think about that first, but I´d like to continue transmiting my personal thougths with this medium.