SIP - SoundLAB Interview Project

Thiele, Tobias

Tobias Thiele
German artist



Interview: 10 questions

1. When did you start making music, what is/was your motivation to do it?
I started composing my own stuff around 1996, when I was 20. My motivation unfolds with the music itself. I just like to absorb and create sounds both abstract and conventional.

2. Tell me something about your living environment and the musical education.
I’m living in a very creative environment. There is a network of musician which helps each other. The study of Musicology an Ethnomusicology mirrors my personal education in music. Besides I got five years of classical piano training, some choir and self taught instrumental experiences. And I’m still learning to handle some Javanese instruments like Gender, Bonang, Slenthem and Saron for exemple.

3.Is making music your profession? What is the context in which you practice music nowadays?
I’m a non professional musician doing nevertheless a lot of shows. I’m an active band member with a lot of rehearsals, along with musical projects and productions.

4. How do you compose or create music or sound? Have you certain principles, use certain styles etc?
I create my sounds out of the blue. In fact I got certain ideas to a certain subject and afterwards try to settle them down. I’m more of a conceptual composer. For example in my mind I create a concept, a subject which is worth-composing music for it. I ask myself, what kind of sound should it be wooden or industrial? And then I try to find a way to transpose the whole subject into music.

5. Tell me something about the instruments, technical equipment or tools you use?
I’m working with `live´, `cubase´ and Gamelan-instruments, keyboard, piano, Rhodes, reed organ and several acoustic stuff. Also I work with other musicians.

6. What are the chances of New Media for the music production in general and you personally?
Home-recording at its finest and therefore a huge creative output all over the world.

7. How about producing and financing your musical productions?
Producing and editing I do on my own expenses.

8. Do you work individually as a musician/soundartist or in a group or collaborative?
If you have experience in both, what is the difference, what do you prefer?

I do both and actually I like it that way. In my own productions I’m totally free to do what I like but it is solitary. In a Band I prefer the direct communication between the musicians but the personal output is limited. So to get full satisfaction in life I do both.

9. Is there any group, composer, style or movement which has a lasting influence on making music?
A lot of. Lately I’m inspired by David Sylvian and his latest projects. Steely Dan is one of my great influences. I like Irving Berlin as much as I like Gonzales. What shall I say?

10. What are your future plans or dreams as a soundartist or musician?
Ha. I wish to do album after album, doing touring and could spend my expenses on it, very simple.

here you get some links to experience other works of my own: